Why is it that with all the wisdon God has given me ,I come to this.So many peoples lives relate to movie or tvscripts, are those God's doings? Do we really have a budget in Heaven to overcome Hell? Are we desined to live with so much knowledge of stories and true life coincidence in our minds, Forever? That's why I get lost in Opera and other classisc LOUD" sounds to help me escape of so much that comes to me mentally,Every city has it's story and this story has already been told! I need a new city to go and feel "Naturlie exposed" Waterfall in front of my living room window.( british accent) Ofcourse we hear each others stories and goals each one must have had to achieve. But are we so afraid of each other that we can't come together in God's stage and heal one another? That's why we run....No committement for something is not of the same character or living flesh, My dear", we have to respect God and not tantrum against him. But indeed we do,by taking medication when in fact we should feel pain? I am seriously considering the options but to much of a coward has already been done.
I tense when I think up of happiness, I tense up and so much get's a hold of me and we all want to feel it together! But IT"S MY BODY! MY EPISODE! NOT THE Shadow's that surround me. Is that BAD to be selfish? Why did deseases become? Unprotected sex that had to be the poison of alcohol,but we already know we here, so let's drink up. N>>>>>>O>>>>>P>>>>>E! Get over it!
Let's see who God allows to be my last episode.
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